No Clothes on World Naked Gardening Day

There is always a special day for something, but what if I
told you that there is a day dedicated to gardening… in the nude?!

That’s where World Naked Gardening Day comes in. World Naked Gardening Day is
exactly how it sounds. Participants of this day celebrate by going out and gardening in
the nude. But it’s so much more than just that!

World Naked Gardening Day is a celebration of the human body and our connection to nature.
It is widely celebrated by gardeners of all skills and all sizes. Many gardeners anticipate
this day each year, so let’s take a look at this very interesting occasion!

The History Behind World Naked Gardening Day

World Naked Gardening Day was founded by Mark Storey and Jacob Gabriel. Mark
Storey is a consulting editor for the magazine, Nude & Natural, while Jacob Gabriel is a
permaculturist. WNGD was developed by the two as a part of the Body Freedom

The Body Freedom Collective is an organization that dedicates itself to
the normalization of nudity in a nonsexual setting. World Naked Gardening Day is also
endorsed by other prominent nudist organizations such as The Naturist Society and the
American Association for Nude Recreation.

The first World Naked Gardening Day took place on September 10, 2005. Two years
after, in 2007, the official date was moved to the first Saturday of May. WNGD is
celebrated annually and the next upcoming day in 2021, will be on the 1st of May, so
mark that calendar!

The Benefits to Participating in World Naked Gardening Day:

1. You feel closer to nature. Our primitive ancestors used to garden in the nude,
too! Participating in WNGD allows you to feel the connection to the Earth. So go
ahead and try some no-trousers no-till gardening!

2. It doesn’t cost a thing. It costs you zero dollars and zero cents to go out in the
buff and pull some weeds or water your tomatoes. You have nothing to lose (except
for your clothes).

3. It’s a fun activity! This day is meant to be a fun and freeing activity, so don’t
stress about how you’re celebrating! All you need to do is garden naked; whether
you’re apartment gardening or out on a spacious farm. You don’t have to
completely strip down either; choose what comfort level suits you best.

4. You might make some new friends. You’d be surprised to find out just how
many people celebrate World Naked Gardening Day in a group setting. A simple
internet search might lead you to many public events celebrating this occasion. If
you’re feeling brave, you can venture out and do some nude urban gardening in
public with other like-minded individuals. Who knows? It could be a start the start
of a beautiful friendship!

5. It’s a great lesson in body positivity. At this very core, this day is about doing an
activity in your birthday suit to normalize the naked body. A big part of normalizing
nudity is to be comfortable in the skin you’re in and participating in a relaxing
activity such as gardening helps open those doors.

6. There’s no rules in naked gardening! This holiday is meant to be a celebration
of the body and nature. It can be celebrated anyway, anywhere.
Some Helpful Tips on Celebrating:

7. Brush up on your community’s rules on public nudity. Nude gardening
might be fun, but your local laws may not agree. To avoid a run-in with legal
troubles, I highly suggest you check out your local rules on nudity. If you live in an
area with tight restrictions, perhaps you might want to check out other communities
near you that have looser rules on public nudity.

8. Check out your local weather for the big day. And plan accordingly. If the
weather is set to be hot and sunny, make sure you stock up on sunblock and water
bottles. A wide-brimmed hat would also benefit you for both sunshine and rain.

9. Lather on that sunscreen! This is going back to tip #2, but I’m going to make a
separate point because I really mean it. Make sure you put on a good coat of SPF.
For a lot of places, May practically feels like summertime with blistering heat. And
even if you live in a place where the May weather isn’t as intense, you can still
catch a nasty burn when you’re exposed to the elements like that. You’ll thank me
the day after when you’re not cooked like a lobster!

10. Be mindful of your neighbors. Gardening in the nude isn’t everyone’s cup of
tea. If you live in close proximity to your neighbors, might be best to work out a
schedule to avoid any awkward and/or unwelcome encounters.

11. Avoid handling any itchy or thorny plants. Rose thorns + poison ivy + nude
body… Need I say more? Perhaps it’s a good idea to save those prickly, itchy
plants for another day. It might also benefit you to stock up on some extra
hydrocortisone cream, because you never know when an accidental brush with
poison ivy might happen!

12. Find a partner (or partners)! A spouse, some good friends, etc. Gardening is
better together! If you feel particularly cheeky, it might behoove you to find a group
in your local area to celebrate together! Finding a gardening group would be the
perfect palette cleanser if you’re used to apartment gardening all year round. You
can make new friends while bonding over an activity you’re all passionate about.

13. Celebrate the way you want to celebrate! World Naked Gardening Day is
about naked gardening but it should always be on your own personal terms. I
understand newcomers might feel apprehensive at the idea of going outside
completely nude. If you’re unsure, my best advice is to take it one step at a time.

14. Maybe this year, you just walk around the home naked and tend to your
houseplants. And next year, you might feel comfortable enough to venture outside
to the backyard or the balcony. And the year after that, you can try finding a group
to celebrate with!

Overall, World Naked Gardening Day comes down to two major themes: the human
body and our connection with the elements. This holiday is meant to normalize the
nude body in a nonsexual way, while also bonding with our Mother Earth. There’s really
no wrong way to celebrate. So when the first Saturday of May comes along, strip down
to your comfort level and get to gardening!
It’s All About Gardening!

Wayne Jaye

P.S To bring the magic of gardening in-home all year-round, and to inspire and enable people to enhance their food, their homes, and their lives through a simple and daily connection to what they grow this Aerogarden Black Harvest Indoor Hydroponic Garden is for you!

Works Cited
Egan, John. “The Top 12 U.S. Cities for Observing World Naked Gardening Day.”
LawnStarter. Accessed 23 April 2021.
National Day Calendar. “World Naked Gardening Day – First Saturday in May.” National
Day Calendar. Accessed 23 April 2021.
You Should Grow. “11 Things You Shouldn’t Do On World Naked Gardening Day.” You
Should Grow.
Accessed 23 April 2021.